How to get from Puebla to Cholula

Are you currently in Puebla, wanting to explore a nearby town? If yes, Cholula is located just shy of 15 kilometers away and is the perfect getaway that you can plan for yourself.

The journey from Puebla to Cholula is a perfect day trip, you can leave on the same day and return to Puebla by the night. Planning this trip doesn’t have to be as complicated, so we have got you through that.

This article will dive into the journey from Puebla to Cholula and how you can travel via different modes of transportation.

3 Ways to get from Puebla to Cholula

We just mentioned that the distance is less than 15 km, which means that reaching Cholula shouldn’t take you more than one hour.

Private transfer from Puebla to Cholula

When it comes to your trip from Puebla to Cholula, you must keep in mind that no direct buses are plying between these two spots. This means that your next best and most affordable choice is to opt for a private shuttle.

Rideshare companies are very common in Puebla, which allows you to have more options and choices. What you can do is go ahead and ask around for private transfers and see which operator gives you the best price.

Is going to be  the most expensive mode of transportation to reach from Puebla to Cholula, however you will have a reliable service with air conditioner, private driver, short and you can schedule the trip at the time you want, also if you are traveling in group, this maybe the best option because the price can be split between travelers

Fare – Private transfers will range between $40-$150, depending on the number of people, the kind of car you are getting, the additional services, etc.

Check out the schedule and book your private transfer tickets from Puebla to Cholula here!

Private transfer

Car rental from Puebla to Cholula

If you are planning to have full control over the trip, we’d 100% recommend choosing a rental car. This provides you the flexibility to drive yourself around and get things done at your convenience.

The best part of the process is that you can use the rental to not only get yourself to Cholula but also get yourself back to your hotel in Puebla.

Fare – Since you are renting the car and there are a lot of security factors in check, the prices are significantly high. Renting a car for an entire day might cost you upwards of $500 or more. We’d advise you to ask around and see which rentals will be an ideal pick for you.

Getting to Puerto Vallarta Airport from Sayulita

Walking from Puebla to Cholula

This might come off as a surprise but some people do prefer walking from Puebla to Cholula. It is a 12-13 km walk and you get to stop in between, explore the local cuisine, talk to the locals, and explore some hidden gems along the way.

However, keep in mind that walking isn’t ideal for everyone and is a subjective experience. If you are comfortable walking and you are physically well, this could be a good choice.

Since you are making the trip on your foot, be assured that it’s not going to cost you anything.

How far is Puebla from Cholula?

The distance from Puebla to Cholula is roughly around 13 km. At the end of the day, the distance depends on the route you are taking. If you are taking a long route, the distance might be around 20 km too, so research the shorter distance trips.

Best things to do in Cholula

Reaching Cholula brings you a plethora of options that you can sightsee and explore. If you are planning to make that trip and you are planning to make a day trip out of it, there are several activities you can explore.

  • Explore the Great Pyramid of Cholula

This is one of those staple sightseeing experiences that every tourist indulges in. Also known as the Pirámide de Tepanapa, these pyramids offer a fascinating glimpse into Mesoamerican history. While you are there, make sure you climb to the top of the pyramid for breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

  • Visit San Gabriel Convent

Not every place in Cholula has to be a boring walk through and the San Gabriel Convent is one of them. This is a colonial-era convent, which depicts some of the rich architectural heritage that the place has to offer. The preserved interior and tranquil courtyards are a beauty to behold.

  • Wander Around Cholula’s Zocalo

The best way to soak in the beauty of a new place is by exploring the city’s main square and Zocalo is that in Cholula. This vibrant hub consists of art galleries, quaint shops, and local restaurants that you can grab a bite or two in. While you are there, don’t miss out on trying the mole poblano dish at one of the local restaurants.

  • Visit the Regional Ceramic Museum

Mexican ceramics are best displayed in this regional museum and the artistry of this place is beyond anyone’s comprehension. You’ll discover a stunning collection of pottery and learn about the rich cultural significance of these works.

Getting to Cholula from Puebla

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Puebla to Cholula is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Although the distance from Puebla to Cholula isn’t a lot, the experience is fun, and quite comprehensive. The journey makes for a perfect option for a day trip that you can embark on and return within the same day.


What is the best way to get from Puebla to Cholula?

The best way to get from Puebla to Cholula largely depends on your preferences. The most economical would be a private transfers. You can look for shuttle and coach options from Puebla to Cholula here.

What is the best price to get from Puebla to Cholula?

If you are wondering how much it would cost you to get from Puebla to Cholula, it depends on the mode of transportation and the kind of car you are renting or sharing. You can look for prices from Puebla to Cholula here.

What to do in Cholula?

Cholula offers a plethora of sightseeing options that you can check out. Besides that, we’d 100% recommend you try the local delicacies while you are there.

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