How to get from Lanquín to Antigua

Lanquín, a Guatemalan town nestled amidst lush rainforests, beckons with the turquoise allure of Semuc Champey natural pools. But your Guatemalan adventure might extend beyond this paradise. 

Making your way from Lanquin to Antigua is one of the most picturesque journeys you can take whether by bus or shuttle, the colonial city awaits you with its architecture and vibrant culture. The distance between the two destinations is approximately 315 kilometers (196 miles).

If you are curious to unfold more details about your journey from Lanquín to Antigua, the key is to have all the relevant information in place.

Best ways to get from Lanquín to Antigua

Owing to the long distance from Lanquín to Antigua, it makes sense that you’d have to prepare for a long journey ahead of you. Usually, shuttle travel options are the easiest and most comfortable but you have to plan things accordingly. 

Following are some of the best transportation modes to consider:

Shuttles from Lanquín to Antigua

Shuttles are the most popular choice for traveling between Lanquín and Antigua. They offer a comfortable and convenient option, especially for those seeking a hassle-free experience. Several shuttle companies operate this route, with departures typically scheduled in the mornings. Owing to the distance between these two places, it makes sense that you’d have to wait for 5-6 hours to reach your destination. Bathroom breaks and refreshment breaks along the way are also included in that duration.

Fare: Depending on the kind of shuttle service you are looking into, the fare usually starts from $40 and can go as high as $65 or more per person. If you opt for vacation packages, the prices are around $150+. Check out the schedule and book your Shuttle tickets from Lanquin to Antigua here!

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Public bus with minibus connection from Lanquín to Antigua

For budget-conscious travelers, the combination of public buses and mini busses offers a cost-effective option. You’ll need to take a local bus from Lanquín to Cobán, the regional hub. From Cobán, hop on a minibus heading to Antigua. The journey can take anywhere from 8 to 10 hours, depending on connections and traffic. It is perfect for tourists who don’t want to splurge a lot of money on the travel experience but still reach their destination on time.

Fare: Usually, the fare can range between $20-$30, depending on what works best for your budget.

Bundles from Lanquin to Antigua

Opting for travel packages, which include transportation and exploration. Once you reach Antigua, most of these packages help you sightsee some of the basic spots. So, you do get to opt for the comfort and convenience of these kinds of packages. They are great for families or individuals who don’t like the hassle of planning trips by themselves.

Fare: Since these packages cover a lot of factors besides the transportation, the packages are usually priced at around $140 and higher. Check out the schedule and book your Bundles tickets from Lanquin to Antigua here!

Car rentals from Lanquin to Antigua

Sometimes, when you are out on a vacation, you seek the thrill and comfort of traveling by yourself. This is where rental cars come into the picture. They are convenient and not to mention an amazing option for those who don’t have to worry about the budget. You get to set your pace and personalize the travel experience as per your comfort. One thing is for sure, you have to spare a lot more but the comfort makes up for the price.

Fare: Several private transfers and rental car operators are working from Lanquín to Antigua. You’d have to ask around and compare the prices before you settle on one that best aligns with your budget.

Private transfer

How far is Lanquín from Antigua?

The distance between Lanquín and Antigua is approximately 315 kilometers (196 miles). While the journey may seem daunting, the picturesque landscapes and cultural encounters along the way make it a memorable adventure. Owing to the long journey, the key here is to choose a transport mode that’s convenient, comfortable and safe too.

What to do in Antigua?

Once you have reached Antigua safely, what kind of activities should you indulge in? These are usually some of the most common questions that people have regarding their travel expedition.

Following are a few activities for you to explore:

  • Explore the Colonial Architecture

Explore the well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture, including the iconic Antigua Cathedral and the ruins of Santo Domingo Church. 

  • Hike a Majestic Volcano

Climb Pacaya Volcano, a majestic volcano offering stunning views of the city and surrounding valleys. You can experience burning marshmallows in hot lava. 

  • Visit the local market and do some shopping

Immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture at the Central Market, browsing artisanal crafts and sampling traditional Guatemalan cuisine. 

The choices are extensive when it comes to exploring Antigua. With such a diverse range of activities available, the key is to plan your ideal vacation and then stick to that particular plan.

Getting to Antigua from Lanquin

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Lanquin to Antigua is GuateGo, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Guatemala with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Making your way from Lanquín to Antigua unveils some of the most stunning beauty of the Guatemalan landscape. The cultural heritage of this place is also a reason why you need to make this trip without further questions. Whether you choose the convenience of a shuttle service or the luxury of a private transfer, the experience of travel is pretty eclectic either way.


What is the best way to get from Lanquín to Antigua?

There is no one-size-fits-all option when making your way from Lanquín to Antigua. So, the best option is one that aligns with your interest, budget, and the kind of time you have in your hand. You can look for transport options from Lanquin to Antigua here.

What is the best price to get from Lanquín to Antigua?

The best price is one that fits your budget the best. While shuttle services are comparably affordable, private transfers offer next-level comfort, so the choice is yours to make. You can look for prices from Lanquin to Antigua here.

What are the top things to do in Antigua?

Antigua offers a plethora of activities, including exploring colonial architecture, sampling local cuisine, and embarking on outdoor adventures such as volcano hiking and coffee plantation tours.

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