How to get from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Your Ultimate Travel Guide

Planning your trip extension from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro? Well, we understand how exciting the whole experience might be. However, planning things ahead of time can be a pain. 

Your journey from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro isn’t that much of a stretch since it’s near about 70 km of journey by road. But, despite the short distance, not having things in hindsight and not having a solid plan can derail the whole thing.

This travel guide will walk you through all the details you need to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro.

3 Ways to get from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Traveling to Querétaro isn’t as complicated, provided you know your way around. As tourists, we understand that things might be overwhelming, and last-minute planning is never good.

So, if you are planning things ahead of time, the following are some of the best travel options to consider:

Coach bus from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Public buses are quite common from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro, which means that if you are looking for an economical mode of transportation, this is it.

Different service operators ply to Querétaro but Futura deserves a special mention. Their services are top-notch and they are known for providing some pretty great deals for the travel experience too.

Cost – A trip from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro in Futura will cost you $11 per person, one-way, which is a pretty affordable price for the 70 km journey.

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro here!

Coach bus

Shuttle from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Although not the most economical, your next best option is to get a taxi or a shuttle service to help you reach your destination. This is quite a popular mode of transportation, which is why there isn’t a shortage of service operators in San Miguel de Allende.

What we’d suggest you do is walk down to the city center and enquire about the taxi and shuttle services first. Some of the places have standard rates while some offer flexible rates. Make notes of each of them and plan things accordingly. 

Pro tip – Don’t forget to check the reviews.

Cost – The trip to Querétaro in a private taxi or shuttle will cost around $50 per person, which is a pretty decent price for the service and the comfort.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Car rental from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

If you have a rental car with you or even your car or van, you can go ahead and drive down the 70 km yourself. The roads and highways are pretty great, which means that you wouldn’t have to worry about your safety.

The only request is to ensure that you keep your doors locked at all times. Even when you are getting out of the car, prioritize locking everything. Also, if you are driving yourself, don’t forget to make a few pit stops along the way to soak in the scenic beauty along the road.

Cost – Well, this fizzles down to whether you have a rental or your vehicle. Either way, the prices will vary and depend on the specific service in question. If it’s your car, you’d have to worry about the gas only. If it’s a rental, you’d have to pay the rental fees and the gas too.

Private transfer

How far is San Miguel de Allende from Querétaro?

The road distance is roughly around 67 km, which you can round off to 70 km. What’s great about the journey is that the roads are smooth, which ensures comfort. Pair that with the view that you get to soak in during the journey and you won’t be able to forget this small 2-hour ride ever in your life.

Best things to do in Querétaro

Once you have successfully made your journey from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro and reached your destination, what next? What are some famous spots and activities to explore in Querétaro?

To be fair, there is a lot and we have shortlisted some of our favorites.

  • Visit the Temple of Santa Rosa de Viterbo

If you are into art, history, and exploring the heritage and culture of a city you visit, we’d 100% recommend you check out the Temple of Santa Rosa de Viterbo.

Besides the beautiful culture, the burst of art and architecture in this place is mesmerizing to look at. You can also click on some beautiful pictures there.

  • Munch at La Biznaga

The best way to make the most out of your travel experience is to explore the local food. While you are in Querétaro, don’t miss out on eating some good breakfast at La Biznaga.

Besides the great food, the people and the ambiance with the multi-colored surroundings are bound to leave you speechless.

  • Stroll around Plaza de Armas

Nothing beats a good walk around the city center and Plaza de Armas is just that, if not better. There is so much to explore as you stroll down the streets.

From interacting with the locals at the cafes to exploring the quaint art galleries that are hidden away in the back, there’s a lot you can explore there.

Getting to Querétaro from San Miguel de Allende

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Making your way to Querétaro doesn’t have to be as complicated as you are making it out to be. There are different modes of transportation, each designed with the tourists’ best interests in mind. We have sorted them in this guide for your reference.


What is the best way to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro?

Since the distance between San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro isn’t a lot, we’d recommend opting for Futura public buses for a cheaper travel experience. You can look for shuttle and coach options from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro here.

What is the best price to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro?

The most affordable mode of transportation from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro is a public luxury bus, which costs around $11 per person. You can look for prices from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro here.

What to do in Querétaro?

Besides the ones mentioned, we’d highly recommend taking a tour of the town in one of the tourist buses for a fun experience.

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