How to get from Río Dulce to Flores

If you are in Rio Dulce and want to embark on a journey to Flores, a place full of Mayan culture, you can choose between different modes of transportation. To be fair, getting from Rio Dulce to Flores is seamless with shuttles, public buses, and rental cars.

Flores, a captivating island town nestled in Guatemala’s Lago Petén Itzá, beckons travelers with its rich Mayan history, vibrant culture, and proximity to the awe-inspiring Tikal ruins. 

To ensure that you have a pretty seamless exploration experience, we will take a closer look at how to make your way from Rio Dulce to Flores in detail.

Best ways to get from Rio Dulce to Flores

If you are sitting there wondering how to embark on your journey from Rio Dulce to Flores, be assured that you aren’t the only one. There are quite a few different experiences and transportation modes worth exploring.

Shuttles from Rio Dulce to Flores

Guatemala is a traveler’s paradise, so irrespective of where you are traveling to or what you are exploring, there’s something designed for everyone’s convenience. Among all the available transportation mediums to travel to Flores, shuttle services are usually the best that you can opt for. 

The journey takes approximately 4 hours, offering a relaxing ride with air conditioning and comfortable seating. Be sure to book your shuttle service in advance, especially during peak season, as availability can be limited.

Fare: Among all the available options for comfort and convenience, shuttle services are usually the best that you can opt for. The shuttle services between Rio Dulce and Flores cost around $36 per person, which is a pretty great price when you come to think of it. Check out the schedule and book your Shuttle tickets from Rio Dulce to Flores here!

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Coach buses from Rio Dulce to Flores

Some tourists are traveling and exploring a new place on a stringent budget. If that’s the case with you, we’d recommend opting for public buses. They are convenient, easily available, and above all, they are cheap on the pocket. Buses depart from Río Dulce’s bus station several times a day, with the journey taking around 3 to 4 hours. 

While buses may be more crowded than shuttles, they offer a chance to experience local life and interact with Guatemalan people. Keep in mind that buses in Guatemala might not adhere to strict schedules, so some flexibility is recommended.

Fare: On average, the public coach buses are probably the cheapest mode of transportation from Rio Dulce to Flores, which means that you’d find it convenient in your pocket. The fares are usually under $30. Check out the schedule and book your Coach bus tickets from Rio Dulce to Flores here!

Coach bus

Driving yourself from Rio Dulce to Flores

If you don’t mind the hassle of driving yourself from Rio Dulce to Flores, we’d recommend opting for this particular option. Rental cars are readily available, making them one of the absolute best options for you to pay close attention to. The drive from Río Dulce to Flores is a scenic one, offering stunning views of the Guatemalan countryside. 

This option allows you to travel at your own pace and make spontaneous stops along the way. Be aware that driving conditions in Guatemala can vary, so ensure you are comfortable navigating unfamiliar roads and potentially heavy traffic.

Fare: Because car rentals are not as prevalent and only a few operators are available, the prices are usually quite jacked and high. Expect to pay around $70-$100 per day for the rentals.

Private transfer

Boating adventure from Rio Dulce to Flores

During the rainy season (May to October) when water levels are high enough, a unique option emerges – a boat tour from Río Dulce to Flores. This scenic journey takes you through the stunning waterways of Lago Izabal and Río Dulce, offering an unforgettable glimpse of the region’s natural beauty. 

The trip can take anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, depending on water conditions and stops. We have to reiterate that availability is dependent on multiple factors, so ensure that you plan things accordingly.

Fare: The prices vary and depend on the specific tour operator that you are opting for.

How far is  Rio Dulce from Flores?

The distance between Río Dulce and Flores is approximately 206 kilometers (128 miles) by road. So, if you are taking public transportation or rentals, expect to spend at least 3-5 hours on the road. The duration usually depends on the kind of speed you are traveling and the number of stops you make.

Best things to do in Flores

Flores, a captivating island town, enchants visitors with its colorful colonial architecture, cobbled streets, and vibrant Mayan culture. So, it’s safe to assume that there are a lot of different things awaiting you.

  • Explore Mayan culture

Among all the highlights of Flores, one that deserves to be talked about is the Mayan culture that the place exudes. Make a trip down to the Tikal National Park, home to awe-inspiring ancient Mayan ruins.

  • Embrace the local culture

Sometimes, one of the best ways to explore a place is by embracing the local culture. When you are in Flores, you can do so by visiting the local marketplace, which offers access to local fresh produce, textiles, and crafts too.

  • Seek adventure

For the adventure lovers, Flores offers a plethora of activities. You can explore Lago Petén Itzá by kayak or boat and even go around and witness the beauty of the surroundings. These tours also have stops at hidden coves and cenotes (natural sinkholes).

Getting to Flores from Rio Dulce

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Río Dulce to Flores is GuateGo, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Guatemala with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


The journey from Rio Dulce to Flores is a unique and eclectic experience that you simply can’t afford to miss out on. As you make your way through Guatemala, being able to indulge in the beauty of these spots is something that needs to be part of your itinerary without any compromise.


What is the best way to go from Rio Dulce to Flores?

Shuttles and public coach buses are two of the best travel options that you can opt for. Buses are cheaper and shuttles offer more comfort. You can look for transport options from Rio Dulce to Flores here.

What is the best price to get from Rio Dulce to Flores?

Public buses usually offer the best prices in terms of affordability, which is around $20-$30 per person. You can look for prices from Rio Dulce to Flores here.

What to do in Flores?

Explore Mayan ruins, immerse yourself in the local culture at the market, and embark on an adventure on Lago Petén Itzá, the choices depend on your budget and likes.

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