How to get from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

The Pacific coastline of Mexico is known for some of the most iconic spots, including Puerto Vallarta and Tequila. Before you get confused thinking that we are talking about the alcoholic beverage, we are not. There is a place named Tequila in Jalisco, Mexico which is a hub for tequila manufacturing, hence the name.

If you are on your way from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila, you should consider the means of transportation and have a solid plan once you arrive in Tequila.

To simplify things for you, we have managed to narrow down all the vital details about traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila.

3 Best ways to get from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

Traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila involves a few confusing elements. Some people want to be self-sufficient and set out on this journey by themselves while a few other tourists want the full experience and hence prefer doing things with guided tours.

Either way, if you are making your way to Tequila from Puerto Vallarta, there are a few different elements that you have to keep in mind. Following are some of the best transportation choices you can look into.

Mixed Operators from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

These are quite popular when you are traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila but they come with a few downsides. The reason they are called mixed operators is because you have to stop and change your transportation to reach the final destination, which is Tequila.

However, don’t let this deter you from this mode of transportation though. They are quite streamlined and the operators will take care of everything, from transferring the luggage to ensuring that you reach your destination safely.

Fare – The mixed operators cost a slightly higher amount. It can start from $70 and can be higher depending on the season, demand, and rush.   Check out the schedule and book your tickets from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila here!

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Guided tours from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

When you are visiting Tequila, it goes without saying that you will aim to explore the manufacturing plants of the beverage, the farms, etc.

If you want to streamline the whole process without any hassle or confusion, we’d recommend that you opt for guided tours. They are convenient and include your transportation from Puerto Vallarta and the entry fees and other accessory fees that you’d need to have a smooth tour of the place and the farms too. 

Fare – There is no standard pricing when it comes to the guided tours. However, on average, you can pay around $54 for the whole one-way trip, which is a pretty decent price for one tourist.

Coach bus

Car rentals from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

For the tourists who plan to make the most out of their trip, we recommend that you opt for a car rental or taxi. These are no doubt quite expensive but perfect for when you are traveling with family and don’t want to compromise on the comfort of anyone involved.

Rental companies like Hertz and Avis operate in Puerto Vallarta, offering a range of vehicles to suit different preferences. We’d still recommend you check out the local service providers too. They might be able to offer you better rates and you can also support a local business in that way.

Fare – On average, the car rentals can cost around $100 or above per day and you’d have to pay for the fuel separately. Most of these rentals also charge you an upfront security amount.

Private transfer

How far is Puerto Vallarta from Tequila?

The total distance from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila is around 272.9 km via Autop. Jala – Compostela. The roads are quite smooth and without any potential traffic congestion, which means that you should be able to reach your destination in no time at all.

We’d recommend that you sort out all the transportation mediums ahead of time so you don’t have to rush through things at the last minute.

Things to do in Tequila

How to get to Tequila

Once you arrive in Tequila, there’s a lot more that you can do than visit the distilleries. To kick start the itinerary, there are a few things that you can consider doing.

  • Tequila tasting 

There is no point in visiting Tequila if you don’t indulge in some tasting. There are a variety of distilleries available that offer guided or solo tours that you can embark on. From immersive tequila tasting to learning about the process of tequila manufacturing, you can gain a lot of knowledge along the way.

  • Explore the Pueblo Mágico 

Tequila is a designated Pueblo Mágico, recognizing its cultural and historical significance. While you are there, you can walk down the charming streets and check out the National Tequila Museum to learn more about the history of this alcoholic beverage.

  • Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities 

Most of the agave landscape that you witness at Tequila is marked as a UNESCO World Heritage site. What you can do is explore the industrial facilities and even take a peek into the traditional methods of tequila production while you are there.

Getting to Tequila from Puerto Vallarta

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform.  You can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Exploring Tequila is probably something that needs to be on your bucket list if you are traveling to Mexico. This article highlights all the details that you need to prioritize to ease your journey to Tequila and make the most out of the whole experience. Ensure that you assess the list of available guided tours before finalizing one.


What is the best way to travel from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila?

If you want a rounded travel experience without any hassle or headache, we’d recommend opting for the guided tours. They are convenient and easy on the pocket too. You can look for transport options from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila here.

What is the best price to travel from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila?

Guided tours and mixed operator tours can cost between $60-$80. We’d suggest you check out the best available options. You can look for prices from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila here.

What to do in Tequila?

As the name suggests, you need to embark on a journey to explore everything there is to know about the beverage and that includes a factory tour, checking out tequila city, etc.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

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