How to get from Guatemala City to Lanquin 

Lanquin, nestled in Guatemala’s verdant Verapaz department, beckons travelers with its turquoise pools, cascading waterfalls, and captivating Mayan culture. However, reaching this hidden spot in Guatemala’s main hustling city can be a challenge.

Don’t worry though, we are here to simplify things for you. Not only is the ride an adventure, but it takes you through some of the most scenic trails and experiences that are unlike anything else around.

Navigating your journey from Guatemala City to Lanquin isn’t as seamless as you think. So, we have narrowed down all the relevant information to streamline the travel experience.

Best ways to get from Guatemala City to Lanquin

Several travel options connect Guatemala City to Lanquin, each catering to different budgets, time constraints, and preferences. You have shuttles and adventure packages too, which further make the travel experience an even more fun one.

Shuttles from Guatemala City to Lanquin

If you are looking for comfort and affordability without any compromise to make your journey from Guatemala City to Lanquin, shared shuttles are possibly one of the best options. These operate daily, which explains why this is one of the best options available. They depart from Guatemala City in the early morning and then you have them leaving at regular intervals. So, convenience is never an issue for your travel experience. Also, due to the long distance, the entire journey usually takes around 8-9 hours, depending on how much time you are spending for lunch and the stops.

Fare: The shuttle services between Guatemala City and Lanquin cost around $41 per person, which is a pretty great price when you come to think of it. It’s convenient, not to mention that you get access to pick-up and drop choices too. Check out the schedule and book your Shuttle tickets from Guatemala City to Lanquin here!

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Bundles from Guatemala City to Lanquin

For tourists who are new to Lanquin and don’t want to be blindsided by the place, adventure tours are a great option to consider. They include the transportation and sightseeing costs. The best part of availing of this transportation option is that it allows you to access the best experience exploring the place. Having a guided tour is quite a great way to visit the space, especially if you have no preconceived notion of the area.

Fare: The average cost of an adventure tour depends on the kind of service you are availing. Usually, the cost can start from $130 per person for the transport and exploring popular destinations in Lanquin like Semuc Champey & Kamba Caves. Check out the schedule and book your Bundles tickets from Guatemala City to Lanquin here!

Car rentals from Guatemala City to Lanquin

Another common option for transportation from Guatemala City to Lanquin is opting for rental cars. They are available quite readily but with so many different operators, you will be confused about which one to choose and which one to brush aside. However, keep in mind that road conditions can vary, and navigating unfamiliar routes might pose a challenge. Factor in car rental costs, gas expenses, and potential parking fees when considering this option.

Fare: Given that there are so many different operators running their businesses, you’d have to check out the available options before you finalize one that best aligns with your budget. 

Private transfer

Coach buses from Guatemala City to Lanquin

This is possibly one of the most economical options available but if you don’t mind the crowd, sweat, and the long journey, public buses can be a great way to save a lot of money. Departing from the Guatemala City Terminal, you’ll need to transfer to Cobán, the regional hub. The total travel time can vary between 7 to 10 hours, depending on connections

Fare: Given how cheap the transportation is, it makes sense that public buses usually cost $10-$15.

Coach bus

How far is Guatemala City from Lanquin?

The distance between Guatemala City and Lanquin is approximately 277 kilometers (172 miles). You do have to keep into account that the distance can be quite scenic and depending on the transport medium you choose; it can take somewhere between 5-7 hours. 

What to do in Lanquin?


When it comes to exploring Lanquin, there are quite a few different activities for you to indulge in. But, above all, you have to kickstart the journey with Semuc Champey. That’s pretty much the norm, to say the least.

  • Exploring Lanquin on Foot

The beauty of the place ensures to encapsulate your senses pretty much the moment you step into the space. So, you can go around and explore the place on foot if you wish to soak in the transient beauty of the space.

  • Kayaking on the Cahabón River

If that doesn’t fill you with gratitude, the next best thing to do is kayaking on the Cahabón River. It can be a fun experience, one that leaves you breathless as you kayak through the crystal-clear water of the river. The greenery and beauty in the surroundings are quite exhilarating as well.

  • Exploring Mayan Villages and Local Artisans

Since Lanquin is known for its wide range of Mayan villages, you must add them to your itinerary as well. Some locals are warm and welcoming. But, above all, you get to explore the local artisans and shops and support them by buying from them. Being there also enables you to explore the local culture.

Getting to Lanquin from Guatemala


An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Guatemala City to Lanquin is GuateGo, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Guatemala with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Your time exploring Lanquin from Guatemala City can be worthwhile, provided that you are planning your experience accordingly. With so many different types of spots to explore and things to do, Lanquin offers a plethora of experiences that you simply can’t afford to miss out on.


What is the best way to get from Guatemala City to Lanquin?

The “best” option depends on your priorities. Shared shuttles offer a good balance of cost and convenience, while public buses are the most budget-friendly. Private shuttles provide flexibility and speed, and a rental car grants ultimate control over your itinerary. You can look for transport options from Guatemala to Lanquin here.

What is the best price to get from Guatemala City to Lanquin?

If you are on a stringent budget, there are options wherein you can travel between these two spots for as low as $15. However, for comfort, you’d have to pay around $40-$50. You can look for prices from Guatemala to Lanquin here.

What to do in Guatemala City to Lanquin?

You can explore Semuc Champey, kayak on the Cahabón River, visit Mayan villages, and experience the local culture.

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