How to get from Guadalajara to Tequila

If you are wondering how to get from Guadalajara to Tequila, you have come to the right place. Traveling from the vibrant city of Guadalajara to the captivating town of Tequila, is an experience like no other.

Tequila, as the name goes, is the birthplace of the iconic Mexican spirit. Not just the rave behind the alcohol, Tequila offers a fascinating blend of history, culture, and tantalizing flavors. 

This article will walk you through the various transportation options, top attractions, and frequently asked questions to ensure you make the most of your visit to this tequila paradise.

How to get to Tequila

3 Ways to Get from Guadalajara to Tequila

Traveling from Guadalajara to Tequila isn’t as complicated. Be it a coachbus, train, shuttle or a tour that includes the Tequila Distillery, the choices are diverse and there’s something that lives up to every traveler’s requirement.

Let us break down the specifics for better understanding:

Coach bus from Guadalajara to Tequila

For a convenient and budget-friendly option, you can hop on one of the buses that depart from Guadalajara’s Central de Autobuses. The overall travel time is between 1-1.5 hours but the commute also depends on the traffic. 

But, what’s great is that the bus takes you through a scenic route that’s going to take your breath away. 

Buses from Guadalajara to Tequila operate daily. The journey takes about 1 hour and price is $12.

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Guadalajara to Tequila here!

Coach bus from Guadalajara to Tequila

Train from Guadalajara to Tequila

The next option for traveling from Guadalajara to Tequila is via the Jose Cuervo Express, a charming train ride that immerses you in the beauty of the agave landscape. Being on that train is an unforgettable experience that you won’t want to miss out on.

The train departs from Guadalajara’s Estación de Ferrocarril and takes you through an enchanting journey to Tequila, one that will remain etched into your mind for eternity.

Prices: Packages range from 1,500 to 3,000 MXN per person, offering a range of amenities including entertainment, drinks, and snacks.

Shuttle from Guadalajara to Tequila

Driving down in a car is the best option if budget isn’t a constraint for you and you want that flexibility and independence of getting to stop and restart at your convenience.

Covering a distance of approximately 65 kilometers (40 miles), the journey takes around 1-1.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions.

Not only can you rent a car in Guadalajara or hire a shuttle to help you navigate through the route. You do have to be careful about the driving guidelines since there are risks of corrupt police in Mexico.

Check out the schedule and book your tickets from Guadalajara to Tequila here!

Shuttle from Guadalajara to Tequila

How far is  Guadalajara from Tequila

Distance between Guadalajara to Tequila is around 65 km (40 miles) when measured by road. The duration will vary depending on which mode of transportation you are choosing for the journey. 

Best Things to Do in Tequila

Wondering what to do in Tequila? Tequila offers a variety of tourist attractions, from exploring a diverse taste testing of the best tequila to exploring the town center and the natural beauty of the area around, there is a lot that you can do once you reach Tequila.

  • Visit Tequila Distilleries

There’s nothing you should be before you visit the tequila distilleries. There are world-class establishments that offer a diverse range of tequila that you can indulge in.

Explore Jose Cuervo, Sauza, to witness the art of tequila-making, soak in the aroma of the agave fields, and indulge in delightful tastings that will tantalize your palate. Check out the schedule and book your tour tickets from Guadalajara to Tequila here!

  • Explore the Town Center

Tequila’s town center is the heart of the place, offering you access to the colonial architecture and enabling you to explore the rich history of the town.

While you are out exploring the town, include the Parish of Santiago Apostol in your itinerary too. It is a majestic church that upholds the town’s cultural heritage.

  • Tequila Museum

If you are a tequila enthusiast, you want to visit the National Tequila Museum while you are there. The place not only introduces you to the diverse varieties of tequila but the rich history that’s behind the inception of this spirit.

  • Explore the Agave Landscape

The foundation of tequila starts with the blue agave, so not taking a captivating tour through the agave landscape while you are in Tequila is a big No.

You should also explore the ancient haciendas and tequila factories that have been instrumental in shaping the region’s tequila legacy.

Getting to Tequila from Guadalajara

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Guadalajara to Tequila is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around México with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


This article gives you a comprehensive rundown of the top transportation modes and an exhilarating itinerary. That should immerse you in the cultural tapestry of Tequila and offer an unforgettable experience.


Best way to get from Guadalajara to Tequila

For the most exhilarating experience, we’d recommend you opt for private tours or travel with gottoGO, an easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price. You can look for the best options from Guadalajara to Tequila here.

Best price to get from Guadalajara to Tequila

If you are looking for the cheapest mode of transportation from Guadalajara to Tequila is via Coach bus, whose fare range from $12 to $14 USD per person. You can look for prices from Guadalajara to Tequila here.

What to do in Tequila?

Once you reach Tequila, you can explore the town center, and take tours of the agave landscape and ancient industrial facilities.

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