How to get from Cartagena to Santa Marta

When it comes to exploring a spot that stands out in terms of culture, scenic beauty, and stunning landscapes, Colombia is a country that doesn’t require any introduction. In it lies two tourist spots, Cartagena and Santa Marta, which have been gaining rampant popularity.

The trip from Cartagena to Santa Marta has one of the most diverse activities, from getting to know the local spots to trying out the cuisine. There’s so much that you can do while you are exploring this cities.

In this article, we will take you on a ride from Cartagena to Santa Marta, exploring some of the best ways to embark on this journey.

3 best ways to travel from Cartagena to Santa Marta

When planning your itinerary from Cartagena to Santa Marta, it makes sense for you to schedule all your travel bookings so you aren’t left in the dark at the last moment.

After all, the last thing that you want is to feel stranded and trying to make sense of things. Don’t worry though because we have all the best tips for you.

Coach bus from Cartagena to Santa Marta

If budget is a constraint for you and you want to travel on an affordable budget, buses are a great option. Expreso Brasilia is one of the most popular bus facilities that you can consider for travel and with multiple timings available, you can pick and choose the one that best aligns with your interest.

We recommend that you schedule your ride beforehand to get rid of any hassle with the travel plans. Also, the scenic views that you get to witness along the way are nothing short of breathtaking. The journey should take between 4-5 hours.

Fare – The bus fares typically range between $ 20 and $25, the $24 one being the average. Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Cartagena to Santa Marta here!

Coach bus

Private transfer from Cartagena to Santa Marta

Some travelers want comfort when traveling from Cartagena to Santa Marta and if that’s you, renting a car is a great choice. You can relax in the backseat and let the driver chauffer you to your destination without any compromise.

What’s great is that you get to stop at your convenience, check out the local spots, and make the most of your journey along the way. There are different car rentals available, depending on the number of people that you are traveling with.

Fare – Car rental services typically start from $230 for 1-4 person cars and can go as high as $450-$500 for 9-15 people cars. Check out the schedule and book your private transfer tickets from Cartagena to Santa Marta here!

Private transfer

Flights from Cartagena to Santa Marta

If time is something you wish to save while traveling from Cartagena to Santa Marta, flights are available too. They are comparably cheaper than car rentals but are slightly more expensive than public buses.

You can avail of several airlines for the travel. However, since the demand is quite high, we’d recommend that you book your flight tickets ahead of time so you don’t have to regret it at the last minute.

Fare – The prices will fluctuate and depend on the demand. On average, a flight ticket can cost between $120-$150 per person for the trip.

How far is Cartagena from Santa Marta?

The by-road distance between Cartagena to Santa Marta is roughly 234.8 km. It should take you somewhere between 4-5 hours if you are traveling by road.

If you are traveling by air, the time taken is considerably less. But, the demand for flights is quite high and often have a few month’s waiting time too. So, book ahead.

Things to do in Santa Marta

Following your travel expedition, you have finally landed in Santa Marta. What should you do next? This is a common question many have and we’d recommend you add the following to your itinerary.

  • Explore Tayrona National Park

Start the experience with some nature by exploring the Tayrona National Park. This ecological gem boasts pristine beaches, lush jungles, and ancient ruins and is perfect for people who don’t want to be among too many people but still do touristy things.

  • Visit Ciudad Perdida

Next on the list is something for the adventure enthusiasts. This is a challenging yet rewarding trek and one that we’d recommend you embark on if your health is in good condition. The trek takes you through dense jungles, river crossings, and ancient archaeological sites.

  • Enjoy Water Activities

There’s no point visiting Santa Marta if you don’t even explore the Caribbean bliss in those spots. There are a variety of water activities for you to indulge in the crystal-clear waters. Scuba diving is a perfect choice to go for while you are there.

Also, while you are in Santa Marta, don’t forget to explore the native cafes and restaurants. Interacting with the locals will give you a good understanding of the culture and they are extremely warm and generous, so you’d make a few friends along the way. Nothing beats local recommendations, so make the most out of them.

Getting to Santa Marta from Cartagena

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Cartagena to Santa Marta is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Colombia with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Traveling to Santa Marta is an experience like no other. From the lush greenery and mountain tops to the breathtaking landscape that surrounds the area, there’s so much to soothe your soul. We have sorted you with a detailed travel guide that you can refer back to when you finalize your travel plans.


What is the Best Way to Get from Cartagena to Santa Marta?

This comes down to personal preferences. If you are on a budget and want a safer and quicker travel choice, public buses are pretty great. If you want comfort, private rentals and flights are a better choice. You can look for transport options from Cartagena to Santa Marta here.

What is the Best Price to Get from Cartagena to Santa Marta?

If by “best price,” you mean affordability, then we’d recommend that you opt for public buses since they cost less than $30 per person. You can look for prices from Cartagena to Santa Marta here.

What to Do in Santa Marta?

There are a range of activities that you can do in Santa Marta. What we’d personally recommend you do is start with the more touristy things and then switch to the less-known activities for that peaceful expedition. While you are there, don’t forget to try the local cuisine.

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