How to get from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar

As you step into exploring Colombia and its different scenic spots, there are so many places that you can explore and travel to. Among them, the journey from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar is one gem of a journey that takes you through the coastal experiences of another world.

Rincón del Mar is one of those unexplored coastal towns that offer you tranquility and a peaceful traveling experience that makes you want to come back for more. With so many elements involved in the travel expedition, planning things will take some time.

In this guide, we have sorted out all the details that you need to know about traveling from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar without any hassle at all.

3 Best ways to get from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar

Colombia is a well-connected country and with the rise in tourism, it isn’t as difficult to find the best modes of transportation to ensure that your travel experiences are safe and accessible.

When you are planning your travel to Rincón del Mar, there are a few different ways you can execute that travel. Following are a few different options:

Coach bus from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar

Not everyone wants to spend upwards of $100 on their commute and if you are one of them, traveling in public coach buses can be the best option.

There are several public buses available that run from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar. Among them, Unitransco is possibly the most cost-effective option that you will come across. Besides the affordability, the experience also guarantees exposure to the scenic beauty of the Colombian countryside, which is equally exhilarating.

Fare – If you are taking a bus from Cartagena’s main bus terminal to Rincón del Mar, it will cost you around $13. It is quite cheap and affordable. You can look for shuttle and coach options from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar here.

Coach bus

Private transfer from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar

If you are traveling with your family and don’t mind splurging on the comfort of your ride, then there are several private cars and taxis available from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar. The flexibility and convenience that you will get with a private car or taxi are unmatched.

Firstly, you can enjoy the door-to-door pickup and drop and you can choose your timings for traveling and even stop in between to soak in the beautiful surroundings, try out some local food, and get going on your way.

Fare – With the comfort comes the expenses. If you are booking a private taxi, the cost will start from around $150 for 1-4 people taxis to around $500 for 9-15 people private cars. You can look for shuttle and private transfer options from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar here.

Private transfer

Shuttle from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar

For something in between where you can avail the comfort of a taxi but also affordability to an extent, shuttle services can be a great choice. It isn’t easily accessible, so you’d have to make your inquiries before you finalize your trip.

The best thing about Shuttle is that you get a balance of cost-effectiveness and comfort, with the added advantage of shared expenses. It is like the best of both worlds.

Fare – Since shuttle services are not fixed, giving an exact number or a standard price is impossible. You’d have to enquire around Cartagena’s main town to see what kinds of options are available.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

How far is Cartagena from Rincón del Mar?

If you are traveling by road, the distance from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar is roughly 120 km. In public buses, the entire trip takes around 1.5 to 2 hours.

However, if you are booking a private car or taxi and plan to have multiple stops in between, the trip’s duration might extend a little more.

Things to do in Rincón del Mar

We mentioned in the beginning that Rincón del Mar is quite an unexplored spot in Colombia. So, if you are someone who doesn’t do well with people and has been looking for some untapped spots with fewer tourists, this is it.

Some of the interesting things that you can do while in Rincón del Mar are:

  • Relax on the beaches

Sometimes, we are so pushed to do and explore a lot of things during our vacation that we forget to relax. After all, you are out on a holiday to catch a break. So, what’s the point of pushing yourself so much? With so many pristine beaches, you can pick one and relax.

  • Explore the coral reefs

If you are into snorkeling and diving, you will surely find Rincón del Mar’s coral reefs fascinating. The vibrant underwater world is a treat to the eyes and an experience that you simply can’t replicate with anything else. 

  • Visit the San Bernardo Islands

Once you reach Rincón del Mar, ensure that you leave one full day to visit the nearby San Bernardo Islands. You’d need to book a book trip to reach the islands but the experience is quite fun and fascinating, to say the least. The glimpse into the untapped beauty of the island is straight out of a novel.

  • Experience the local culture

There’s no better way to experience the local culture than by trying the local cuisine and chatting with the locals. You will find that the people are quite welcoming and accommodating and full of suggestions that you can try out.

Getting to Rincón del Mar from Cartagena

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Colombia with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


If you are planning your trip to Rincón del Mar and have been looking for some suggestions, we hope this gives you all the tips. As you prepare your itinerary, prioritize booking ahead so you don’t have to worry about things at the last minute.


What is the best way to get to Rincón del Mar?

Public buses are the most affordable mode of transportation while private taxis are the most comfortable. You have to pick one that suits your needs. You can look for travel options from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar here.

What is the best price to travel from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar?

If affordability is your choice, public buses per person cost under $15 and you can reach under 2 hours, which is great.  You can look for prices from Cartagena to Rincón del Mar here.

What to do in Rincón del Mar?

Rincón del Mar offers a range of activities, from beach relaxation to exploring coral reefs and visiting nearby islands. Immerse yourself in the local culture, savoring the simplicity and charm of this coastal town.

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