How to get from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende

Traveling unfolds a wide range of experiences that you can’t match up with anything else. If you have been planning to travel between Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende, the entire route awaits breathtaking views and exciting experiences.

Going from El Bajio Airport to San Miguel de Allende enables you to capture the essence of Mexico and unfold the charm. 

If you are considering planning a trip from Leon Guanajuato Airport (Del Bajío Airport) to San Miguel de Allende, we will explore more about the route and the exhilarating experience.

San Miguel de Allende Town

More about The Route 

The Leon Guanajuato Airport is located in Guanajuato and brings you access to some of the most culturally rich regions and experiences.

Traveling through the exhilarating experience from this airport to San Miguel de Allende is a trip of its own. The destination in question is a UNESCO World Heritage site that’s known for its colonial architecture and historical significance.

If you are someone who’s into exploring the vibrant art scene, planning a trip to San Miguel de Allende is a one-of-a-kind experience.

3 ways to travel from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende

Now that you have a basic understanding of the two spots and how they bring you an enriching travel experience, let us walk you through some of the best ways you can travel between Leon Guanajuato Airport to San Miguel de Allende.

Shuttle from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende

Like most of the connecting places in Mexico, shuttle services are quite prevalent. These are perfect modes of transportation for people who don’t want to pay a hefty full price for a car rental but also want the luxury and comfort that come with a car ride. Since the distance between these two spots is roughly close to 100 km, you can expect to be inside the car for roughly around 2 hours or more.

Cost – $30 to $50 per person. It might be more if you are traveling during peak season when the tourist rush is high.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Private transfer from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende

If you are traveling with all the luxury in the world and money isn’t a factor for you, private transfer is a viable option that you can check out. This offers a more personalized experience but experiences like these are expensive.

This kind of travel experience is perfect if you are traveling in a larger group or with your family and don’t want to compromise on comfort.

Cost – $100 for a one-way ride. It could be more depending on the kind of service provider you are availing.

Private transfer

Coach bus from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende

The last and one of the most used modes of transportation is a coach bus. These are tourist buses with cushioned seats, large windows, and spacious legroom that makes the whole experience lively and fun.

However,  you need to consider when availing of a tourist bus is the fact that the bus terminals are outside the city centers. So, you’d have to hail additional rides on top of the bus ride to reach your destination, which is San Miguel Allende.

Buses from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende operate daily. Prices are around $16-$28

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende here!

Coach bus

How far is Bajío Airport from San Miguel de Allende?

A quick Google search tells us that the distance to San Miguel de Allende is roughly 94 km, which is quite a lot when you think of it. The good thing is that the entire route covers some of the most scenic spots, so you can soak in those beautiful sceneries.

Things to Do in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende Church

Once you reach San Miguel de Allende, what should you do and which places should you explore? This is a very common question that the majority of tourists have, so we have sorted out a few amazing things you should add to your itinerary.

  • Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel

This pink church is symbolic of the quaint town of San Miguel de Allende. So, if you are visiting this spot, we’d recommend adding this to your itinerary without fail. The stunning neo-Gothic architecture of this church is breathtaking and will blow your mind as you step inside.

  • Tour the San Miguel de Allende mask museum 

If you want to do something offbeat, we’d recommend adding this to your itinerary. This is a non-profit mask museum and getting to witness some of the art and the depth of design in these masks is a one-of-a-kind experience. The museum has 500+ indigenous Mexican masks on display.

  • Try fried grasshoppers

Indulging in some local delicacies is an experience you don’t want to miss out on. While you are in San Miguel, you don’t want to miss out on some fried grasshoppers. They are available locally on the streets, so try them while you are there.

Getting to San Miguel de Allende from Bajío Airport

San Miguel de Allende

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Bajío Airport to San Miguel de Allende is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Whether you choose a shared shuttle, a private transfer, or opt for the freedom of a rental car, the route from Leon Guanajuato Airport to San Miguel de Allende promises a delightful blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. We have assorted all the information in this guide for your reference.


What’s the best way to get from Leon Guanajuato Airport to San Miguel de Allende?

The best way will depend on the preferences of the traveler. If you are looking for comfort, rental cars or private transfers are great. But, if you want to save money, coach buses are a better option. You can look for transportation options from Bajío Airport to San Miguel Allende here.

What’s the best price to travel from the airport to San Miguel de Allende?

The best fare that you can snag traveling to San Miguel de Allende is with a coach bus service, which should cost you between $16-$28. You can look for prices from Bajío Airport to San Miguel Allende here.

What can I do in San Miguel de Allende?

Once you reach San Miguel de Allende, there are a variety of different things you can do and explore, including checking out the local museums, churches, and even taking the trolley.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

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From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

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