How to get from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

Every year, Mexico beckons millions of tourists and travelers who explore the country and bask in the rich culture, tradition, and history that the place has to offer. If you have landed in Guadalajara and are pretty much done exploring the spot, adding San Miguel de Allende as the next stop makes sense.

However, to ensure that your journey to San Miguel de Allende is smooth and streamlined, there are certain factors that you have to keep in mind. For example, you first need to take care of the mode of transportation. Following that, you can get started with planning the itinerary.

To make things easier for you, we have sorted out all the details that you need to know while traveling to San Miguel de Allende.

San Miguel de Allende Church

3 Best ways to get from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

The distance from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende is quite a lot. Think of like 350 km one way. That is a lot that you have to travel on the road. So, people often want comfort when they are traveling for such long distances.

If you want to ensure that your travel experience is comfortable and safe to San Miguel de Allende, the following are a few modes of transportation to consider.

Coach bus from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

The standard for every Mexican town and city is that private coach buses are available to take you pretty much anywhere in the country. Since the distance is considerably a lot, the price that you have to pay for the journey is pretty steep too. But, it is comparably cheaper than what you’d pay for other transportation mediums.

Depending on the number of rest stops, the journey can take somewhere between 6-7 hours. The traffic and the route that the bus takes also influence how long the journey would last.

Fare – If you plan to travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende via a public coach bus, it should cost you around $71. It could be less or more depending on the season and the demand. The prices could hike if it’s during peak tourist season. Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende here!

Coach bus

Car rentals from to San Miguel de Allende

Next on the list is driving a car or renting a car and having someone drive you to San Miguel de Allende. As the experience suggests, it will surely offer you with more comfort and flexibility in terms of the time. However, it is surely going to dig a hole in your pocket.

If you are considering a car and plan to return to Guadalajara, we’d highly recommend that you rent the car and have yourself drive it. You’d then have to pay for the gas, the security deposit, and the rental fee.

Fare – Renting a car doesn’t come with standard pricing. You’d have to ask the service providers at Guadalajara for quotes and then compare to see which the best deal is.

Private transfer

Flights from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

If you are in Guadalajara, you can book a flight to Querétaro or León. Once you reach either one of these places, you can then hire a taxi or take a coach bus to reach San Miguel de Allende.

Again, we will have to reiterate that this isn’t the most affordable route. You’d have to pay for the flights first and then pay for the bus or taxis. But it is a convenient and quicker option if you are on a time crunch.

Fare – The fare will depend on how much you are spending for the flights and then for the taxis or bus.

How far is Guadalajara from San Miguel de Allende

The total distance is 341 km via the Mexico 80D route. It is quite a lot of distance, which is why the fares are so high. 

Since the demand for transportation is quite steep during the tourist season, we recommend that you book your things ahead of time.

Things to do in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende Town

San Miguel de Allende is known for its art scene and architecture. So, while you are there, you have to explore the following:

  • Check out the art and galleries 

The town has long been a haven for artists and is home to numerous art galleries. You can stroll down the streets to find some of the most unique galleries and window shops.

  • Hot Springs at La Gruta 

For a tranquil escape, you have to check out the hot springs at La Gruta that’s perfect for you to bask in nature’s beauty and rejuvenate yourself too.

  • Taste the culinary delights 

While you are checking out the city center, visit some of the local restaurants and cafes and try your hands at a few local dishes.

Getting to San Miguel de Allende from Guadalajara

San Miguel de Allende

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Colombia with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Traveling to San Miguel de Allende comes with its fair share of challenges. From budgeting to ensuring safety, there are a lot of factors that you have to keep in mind. This comprehensive guide should give you a basic idea of how you can plan your trip and make the most out of it without any compromise. Sometimes, all you need to do is plan things ahead of time.


What is the best way to travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende?

For the easiest mode of transportation, public buses are your best bet. They are cheap and readily available too. You can look for transport options from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende here.

What is the best price to travel to San Miguel de Allende?

You can travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende for under $80 when you choose to travel by coach bus. You can look for prices from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende here.

What to do in San Miguel de Allende?

If you like exploring new cities, there are a few hiking spots that you can check out. Also, interact with the locals for more suggestions. Watching the sunset from the viewpoint is recommended too.

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