How to get from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro

The journey from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro, is equally riveting and beautiful, offers the most stunning natural views. If you are done exploring San Luis Potosí and are planning to make your way to Queretaro, there are a few things that you have to keep in mind. From finding the right transportation modes to ensuring that you have an itinerary sorted, there are several factors at play.

In this guide, we will walk you through all the details that you need to know about your journey from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro.

3 best ways to get from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro?

The basis of every travel plan is the transportation that you sort out for the trip. Since the distance is significantly high, you have to stay ahead and ensure that all your bookings are made and sorted so you don’t end up regretting anything at the last minute.

Also, the route to Querétaro is quite tourist-heavy, meaning that last-minute bookings can either cost you a leg or an arm or it might end up causing a chaotic journey for you.

Following are a few popular transportation modes that you can consider looking into:

Coach bus from San luis Potosí to Querétaro

Mexico’s predominant mode of transportation includes coach and luxury buses. Since the distance from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro is around 200+ km, we’d recommend that you book your tickets in a luxury bus to ensure that you have all the comfort that you need while traveling.

Overall, the trip takes around 2-4 hours, depending on the number of stops, weather conditions, and the road conditions. Buses are frequently available and the Futura bus services are probably one of the best that you will come across in San Luis Potosí. You can book your tickets online or you can make last-minute bookings from their counters.

Fare – The fare for a luxury bus ride from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro is roughly around $40. It can be lesser depending on the other buses that you book the tickets for. Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro here!

Coach bus

Shuttle from San luis Potosí to Querétaro 

We mentioned briefly that the journey from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro is quite tourist-heavy, meaning that several people travel on this route. So, if you want more comfort for the 200km journey and don’t want the hassle of traveling in a bus, shuttle services are pretty great too. There are a few different ones available but we’d recommend that you enquire in multiple places to get the best quotation.

Also, shuttle services are a little more flexible when it comes to the timing and the pickup and drop situation. You can ask the service provider to pick you up from the hotel and drop you at the hotel at your destination.

Fare – Owing to the comfort and amenities, shuttle services are comparatively a lot more expensive. The price range is typically between $50-$70 per person.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Private transfer from San luis Potosí to Querétaro

Last on the list are private cars and taxis. These are the most expensive options and are perfect for tourists who don’t have to worry about the expenses. The price for the trip will vary and depend on whether you are renting it or taking it for a one-way trip with a driver.

Fare – Car rentals or taxis are very expensive for your journey to Querétaro. The 4 seater cars can easily cost upwards of $150 and the 9-15 seater cars can cost $300 and above.

Private transfer

How far is San Luis Potosí from Querétaro?

The average by-road distance is around 200 km. This is the route that’s considered via Mexico 57 S. 

Since the distance is quite a lot and the overall trip can take somewhere between 2-3 hours, we’d always encourage you to carry snacks and water in case of any delays or emergencies.

Things to do in Querétaro

Once you reach Querétaro, there’s a wide range of activities and things that you can do. For your convenience, we have sorted out a few.

  • Explore Querétaro’s Historic Center 

This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit once you step foot in the city. The combination of colonial architecture paired with charming plazas makes this a worthy experience. You can also walk down the cobbled roads.

  • Visit Teatro de la República 

This iconic theater has witnessed significant historical events, including the drafting of the Mexican Constitution in 1917. The best way to explore this place and learn about its history is by taking a guided tour.

  • Discover the Aqueduct 

The Aqueduct of Querétaro is a marvel of engineering, boasting 74 arches and spanning almost 1,300 meters. If you are in Querétaro, there’s no way you can miss out on visiting this structure and knowing about its role in supplying city with the water.

Getting to Querétaro from San Luis Potosí

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Colombia with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Your journey to Querétaro can be one of the most memorable ones if you follow all the tips that we have sorted out for you in this guide. The whole journey is exhilarating, not to mention that the experience is one of a kind as well. So, when are you booking your tickets next?


What is the best way to travel to Querétaro from San Luis Potosí?

Our first recommendation would be to take a public luxury bus since they are easily available and they are cheap too. If that doesn’t work for you, shuttle services are the next best thing. You can look for transport options to Querétaro here.

What is the best price to travel to Querétaro?

The best price would be the one where you have to pay under $40 when you travel on a luxury tourist bus. Other modes of transportation are quite expensive. You can look for prices from San Luis Potosí to Querétaro here.

What to do in Querétaro?

Besides the list of things we have suggested, you can also try out the local cafes and restaurants and check out the bustling markets. There are a lot of things to do.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

The Pacific coastline of Mexico is known for some of the most iconic spots, including Puerto Vallarta and Tequila. Before you get confused thinking that we are talking about the alcoholic beverage, we are not. There is a place named Tequila in Jalisco, Mexico which is a hub for tequila manufacturing, hence the name.

If you are on your way from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila, you should consider the means of transportation and have a solid plan once you arrive in Tequila.

To simplify things for you, we have managed to narrow down all the vital details about traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila.

3 Best ways to get from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

Traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila involves a few confusing elements. Some people want to be self-sufficient and set out on this journey by themselves while a few other tourists want the full experience and hence prefer doing things with guided tours.

Either way, if you are making your way to Tequila from Puerto Vallarta, there are a few different elements that you have to keep in mind. Following are some of the best transportation choices you can look into.

Mixed Operators from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

These are quite popular when you are traveling from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila but they come with a few downsides. The reason they are called mixed operators is because you have to stop and change your transportation to reach the final destination, which is Tequila.

However, don’t let this deter you from this mode of transportation though. They are quite streamlined and the operators will take care of everything, from transferring the luggage to ensuring that you reach your destination safely.

Fare – The mixed operators cost a slightly higher amount. It can start from $70 and can be higher depending on the season, demand, and rush.   Check out the schedule and book your tickets from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila here!

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Guided tours from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

When you are visiting Tequila, it goes without saying that you will aim to explore the manufacturing plants of the beverage, the farms, etc.

If you want to streamline the whole process without any hassle or confusion, we’d recommend that you opt for guided tours. They are convenient and include your transportation from Puerto Vallarta and the entry fees and other accessory fees that you’d need to have a smooth tour of the place and the farms too. 

Fare – There is no standard pricing when it comes to the guided tours. However, on average, you can pay around $54 for the whole one-way trip, which is a pretty decent price for one tourist.

Coach bus

Car rentals from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila

For the tourists who plan to make the most out of their trip, we recommend that you opt for a car rental or taxi. These are no doubt quite expensive but perfect for when you are traveling with family and don’t want to compromise on the comfort of anyone involved.

Rental companies like Hertz and Avis operate in Puerto Vallarta, offering a range of vehicles to suit different preferences. We’d still recommend you check out the local service providers too. They might be able to offer you better rates and you can also support a local business in that way.

Fare – On average, the car rentals can cost around $100 or above per day and you’d have to pay for the fuel separately. Most of these rentals also charge you an upfront security amount.

Private transfer

How far is Puerto Vallarta from Tequila?

The total distance from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila is around 272.9 km via Autop. Jala – Compostela. The roads are quite smooth and without any potential traffic congestion, which means that you should be able to reach your destination in no time at all.

We’d recommend that you sort out all the transportation mediums ahead of time so you don’t have to rush through things at the last minute.

Things to do in Tequila

How to get to Tequila

Once you arrive in Tequila, there’s a lot more that you can do than visit the distilleries. To kick start the itinerary, there are a few things that you can consider doing.

  • Tequila tasting 

There is no point in visiting Tequila if you don’t indulge in some tasting. There are a variety of distilleries available that offer guided or solo tours that you can embark on. From immersive tequila tasting to learning about the process of tequila manufacturing, you can gain a lot of knowledge along the way.

  • Explore the Pueblo Mágico 

Tequila is a designated Pueblo Mágico, recognizing its cultural and historical significance. While you are there, you can walk down the charming streets and check out the National Tequila Museum to learn more about the history of this alcoholic beverage.

  • Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities 

Most of the agave landscape that you witness at Tequila is marked as a UNESCO World Heritage site. What you can do is explore the industrial facilities and even take a peek into the traditional methods of tequila production while you are there.

Getting to Tequila from Puerto Vallarta

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform.  You can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Exploring Tequila is probably something that needs to be on your bucket list if you are traveling to Mexico. This article highlights all the details that you need to prioritize to ease your journey to Tequila and make the most out of the whole experience. Ensure that you assess the list of available guided tours before finalizing one.


What is the best way to travel from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila?

If you want a rounded travel experience without any hassle or headache, we’d recommend opting for the guided tours. They are convenient and easy on the pocket too. You can look for transport options from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila here.

What is the best price to travel from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila?

Guided tours and mixed operator tours can cost between $60-$80. We’d suggest you check out the best available options. You can look for prices from Puerto Vallarta to Tequila here.

What to do in Tequila?

As the name suggests, you need to embark on a journey to explore everything there is to know about the beverage and that includes a factory tour, checking out tequila city, etc.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Guanajuato to Leon

If you are planning your trip through Mexico, visiting some of the unexplored spots can be the best way to make the most out of your travel plans. Among them, planning your trip from Guanajuato to Leon can be an experience that will last you a lifetime.

Getting to explore the rich and historical culture as you make your way from Guanajuato to Leon is something that not many tourists plan to embark on. The essence and travel experiences are one of a kind and we are here to make things a lot easier for you.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through all the details that you need to know while planning your travel from Guanajuato to Leon.

3 best ways to get from Guanajuato to Leon

The first aspect of any travel plan is transportation. What kind of transportation options is available? How much do they cost? How frequent are they? These are some common questions that you might have in your mind when you are sorting out your traveling plans.

The following are the best modes of transportation that you can opt for:

Coach bus from Guanajuato to Leon

One of the most accessible and affordable ways to travel from Guanajuato to Leon is via the bus. Public buses are common and frequently available at regular intervals, which allow you to pick one that best aligns with your available timing, which is great.

Primera Plus is one of the most common and trusted coach bus service providers in Guanajuato. You can book your tickets online or you can go ahead and book the tickets once you are in Guanajuato. 

Fare – Since the distance from Guanajuato to Leon isn’t a lot, the bus fares are comparatively cheaper. In most cases, it shouldn’t cost you any more than $10, which is a pretty great steal. Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Guanajuato to Leon here!

Coach bus

Car rentals from Guanajuato to Leon

The next popular mode of transportation that deserves a shoutout is traveling via car. Private taxis aren’t very common since the distance isn’t a lot. However, if you are traveling with children or older family members and want them to have a comfortable traveling experience, private cars and taxis is a good option.

You’d have to check around for the taxis. The best tip would be to enquire at the hotel you are staying. In most cases, they would either have their private car rentals or they will be able to direct you towards the spots where you can enquire.

Fare – There is no standard fare chart. What we’d recommend you do is ask around and compare the prices to get the best quotations. 

Private transfer

Shuttle from Guanajuato to Leon

Much like private taxis, even shuttle services aren’t frequent when you are traveling from Guanajuato to Leon. However, there are service providers that you can discuss the trip with. Some of them even send guides with you to help you explore Leon to the fullest.

If you are traveling with your family and want to travel with optimal comfort and without any complications, we’d recommend opting for this. Shuttle services are quite reasonably priced too.

Fare – The fare can range between $20-$30 per person, which is a reasonably good price for you to pay. We’d recommend that you focus on finding the best deals for yourself.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

How far is Guanajuato from Leon?

The average distance from Guanajuato to Leon is around 57 km if you travel by road. The distance isn’t a lot, which explains why the whole trip generally takes under 2 hours or so. 

What’s great is that you get to explore some of the most stunning views and colorful streets along the way, which makes the whole trip worth the time. 

Things to do in Leon

Once you have stepped foot in Leon, there’s a lot that you get to do and explore along the way. To be fair, there are several activities that you can indulge in and to be honest, they are worth the time.

To make things easier and to help you with the planning, we have sorted some of the trips and activities that you can consider adding to the itinerary.

  • Explore Zona Piel

The first and potentially one of the most important things you have to do once you reach Leon is explore Zona Piel. The craftsmanship that you get to explore, especially in the leather industry is immaculate. The experience is one of a kind and the streets are filled with bustling markets where you can find high-quality leather items for cheaper prices.

  • Visit the Leon Cathedral

To get a first-hand glimpse into the historical significance of Leon, you have to visit the Leon Cathedral. The architecture and the grandeur of this place are unlike anything else. Getting to witness the religious art as you step inside the premises is surely going to take your breath away.

  • Experience the Feria de Leon

If you want to make the most out of your visit to Leon, we recommend that you coincide your visit with Feria de Leon. This month-long festival will expose you to live music and cultural events, further adding to the fun.

Getting to Leon from Guanajuato

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Guanajuato to Leon is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Planning your trip from Guanajuato to Leon doesn’t have to be as complicated as you are making it out to be. With proper planning and accommodating the tips we have mentioned here, you shouldn’t have a hard time making the most of your trip.


What is the best way to travel from Guanajuato to Leon?

The best mode of transportation from Guanajuato to Leon is a public coach bus. It is convenient, accessible, and possibly the cheapest. You can look for transport options from Guanajuato to Leon here.

What is the best price to travel from Guanajuato to Leon?

The cheapest and best price to travel from Guanajuato to Leon is under $10 when you travel on a public coach bus. You can look for prices from Guanajuato to Leon here.

What to do in Leon?

Leon is one of the most bustling cities in Mexico and besides the places and activities we have mentioned, you must visit the local cafes and try out the food.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

Every year, Mexico beckons millions of tourists and travelers who explore the country and bask in the rich culture, tradition, and history that the place has to offer. If you have landed in Guadalajara and are pretty much done exploring the spot, adding San Miguel de Allende as the next stop makes sense.

However, to ensure that your journey to San Miguel de Allende is smooth and streamlined, there are certain factors that you have to keep in mind. For example, you first need to take care of the mode of transportation. Following that, you can get started with planning the itinerary.

To make things easier for you, we have sorted out all the details that you need to know while traveling to San Miguel de Allende.

San Miguel de Allende Church

3 Best ways to get from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

The distance from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende is quite a lot. Think of like 350 km one way. That is a lot that you have to travel on the road. So, people often want comfort when they are traveling for such long distances.

If you want to ensure that your travel experience is comfortable and safe to San Miguel de Allende, the following are a few modes of transportation to consider.

Coach bus from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

The standard for every Mexican town and city is that private coach buses are available to take you pretty much anywhere in the country. Since the distance is considerably a lot, the price that you have to pay for the journey is pretty steep too. But, it is comparably cheaper than what you’d pay for other transportation mediums.

Depending on the number of rest stops, the journey can take somewhere between 6-7 hours. The traffic and the route that the bus takes also influence how long the journey would last.

Fare – If you plan to travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende via a public coach bus, it should cost you around $71. It could be less or more depending on the season and the demand. The prices could hike if it’s during peak tourist season. Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende here!

Coach bus

Car rentals from to San Miguel de Allende

Next on the list is driving a car or renting a car and having someone drive you to San Miguel de Allende. As the experience suggests, it will surely offer you with more comfort and flexibility in terms of the time. However, it is surely going to dig a hole in your pocket.

If you are considering a car and plan to return to Guadalajara, we’d highly recommend that you rent the car and have yourself drive it. You’d then have to pay for the gas, the security deposit, and the rental fee.

Fare – Renting a car doesn’t come with standard pricing. You’d have to ask the service providers at Guadalajara for quotes and then compare to see which the best deal is.

Private transfer

Flights from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

If you are in Guadalajara, you can book a flight to Querétaro or León. Once you reach either one of these places, you can then hire a taxi or take a coach bus to reach San Miguel de Allende.

Again, we will have to reiterate that this isn’t the most affordable route. You’d have to pay for the flights first and then pay for the bus or taxis. But it is a convenient and quicker option if you are on a time crunch.

Fare – The fare will depend on how much you are spending for the flights and then for the taxis or bus.

How far is Guadalajara from San Miguel de Allende

The total distance is 341 km via the Mexico 80D route. It is quite a lot of distance, which is why the fares are so high. 

Since the demand for transportation is quite steep during the tourist season, we recommend that you book your things ahead of time.

Things to do in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende Town

San Miguel de Allende is known for its art scene and architecture. So, while you are there, you have to explore the following:

  • Check out the art and galleries 

The town has long been a haven for artists and is home to numerous art galleries. You can stroll down the streets to find some of the most unique galleries and window shops.

  • Hot Springs at La Gruta 

For a tranquil escape, you have to check out the hot springs at La Gruta that’s perfect for you to bask in nature’s beauty and rejuvenate yourself too.

  • Taste the culinary delights 

While you are checking out the city center, visit some of the local restaurants and cafes and try your hands at a few local dishes.

Getting to San Miguel de Allende from Guadalajara

San Miguel de Allende

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Colombia with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Traveling to San Miguel de Allende comes with its fair share of challenges. From budgeting to ensuring safety, there are a lot of factors that you have to keep in mind. This comprehensive guide should give you a basic idea of how you can plan your trip and make the most out of it without any compromise. Sometimes, all you need to do is plan things ahead of time.


What is the best way to travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende?

For the easiest mode of transportation, public buses are your best bet. They are cheap and readily available too. You can look for transport options from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende here.

What is the best price to travel to San Miguel de Allende?

You can travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende for under $80 when you choose to travel by coach bus. You can look for prices from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende here.

What to do in San Miguel de Allende?

If you like exploring new cities, there are a few hiking spots that you can check out. Also, interact with the locals for more suggestions. Watching the sunset from the viewpoint is recommended too.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Guadalajara to Guanajuato

Your journey from Guadalajara to Guanajuato should take you through a blend of nature, adventurous routes, and the warmth of the locals that is surely going to make your heart burst out with love. The distance from Guadalajara to Guanajuato is quite a lot, which means that you get to explore more along the way.

However, as you plan your trip and sit down to prepare a budget, there are quite a few different factors that you have to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to sort out the way you will travel. Secondly, you need to set a budget. Thirdly, you have to plan an itinerary once you reach Guanajuato.

All of these hectic tasks have been done and managed for you in this guide. So, all you need to do is follow along for further details.

Guanajuato cathedral

3 Best ways to get from Guadalajara to Guanajuato

Planning your journey from Guadalajara to Guanajuato doesn’t have to be as complicated as you are making it out to be. With the right resources and ensuring quicker bookings, you shouldn’t have to worry about any last-minute changes.

Let us walk you through the list of transportation that you can opt for:

Coach bus from Guadalajara to Guanajuato

If budget is a constraint for you or if you are traveling solo and want to embark on a journey the way locals do, buses are your best bet. Besides the affordability factor, what makes them stand out is the fact that they are safe, available at regular intervals and you can ask the locals for help too.

For people that have access to the internet, we’d recommend you book your tickets online. If you don’t have access to the Internet, you can always go ahead and visit the service provider in the city center and book your tickets. Primera Plus is one of the most popular ones in Guadalajara.

Fare – The fare from Guadalajara to Guanajuato is around $55. It is a per-person and one-way ticket fare that you’d have to pay to secure your tickets. Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Guadalajara to Guanajuato here!

Coach bus

Car rentals from Guadalajara to Guanajuato

Another option that’s quite popular among groups and families is renting out a car. There are several car rentals in Guadalajara that you can discuss your options with. If that doesn’t work out for you, we’d recommend that you ask your hotel for recommendations. In most cases, that should come in handy.

Besides the flexibility, renting or driving a car by yourself allows you to control the way you embark on this journey. For example, you can stop in between and explore some of the spots that catch your eye. Also, you can stop and get some local food along the way.

Fare – The rental prices will vary but the good thing is that they are comparably cheap. You can expect to pay around $60-$100 per day for the rental. Besides that, you’d have to pay for the gas and toll taxes, etc.

Private transfer

Taxi from Guadalajara to Guanajuato

If you want the comfort of the car but don’t want to drive yourself, taxis are also available to take you from Guadalajara to Guanajuato. These are probably the most expensive transportation modes of them all. However, given the long distance, the price that they charge is quite justified.

One tip we’d recommend when you are booking a taxi for the tip is to ask around multiple places first. Instead of confirming the deal with the first vendor, enquire and research. You want to ensure the reliability of the person that will drive you.

Fare – Taxis are one of the most expensive modes of transportation and can easily cost you over $100 or $150 for a one-way trip.

How far is Guadalajara from Guanajuato?

The distance from Guadalajara to Guanajuato via Mexico 80D is around 280 km. On average, it can take between 3-4 hours to reach one spot to the other. However, you have to keep in mind that the weather, traffic, and road condition also contributes to the duration of the journey.

Things to do in Guanajuato


We are here to plan your itinerary for you once you reach Guanajuato. The place is bustling and there’s so much that you can do:

  • Visit the Alhondiga de Granaditas 

What started as a grain storage facility back in the day now stands as one of the most historical monuments. It has been turned into a museum and hosts a variety of art there.

  • Discover the Mummies of Guanajuato 

Another must-visit spot is the Museo de las Momias. It is another museum that houses naturally mummified bodies discovered in the local cemetery.

  • Attend the International Cervantino Festival 

This one depends on when you are visiting Guanajuato. If it’s in October and when the festival is live, there’s no reason why you can’t or shouldn’t visit the festival. It is one of the biggest and most happening festivals that you can indulge in.

Getting to Guanajuato from Guadalajara

Guanajuato town

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Guadalajara to Guanajuato is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Your experience traveling from Guadalajara to Guanajuato doesn’t have to be as hectic as you think. If you have a solid plan and book things ahead of time, there’s nothing much that you’d have to worry about. We have tried to incorporate all the traveling tips and guides that you’d need to make the most out of the travel expedition.


What is the best way to travel from Guadalajara to Guanajuato?

There are multiple ways to travel from Guadalajara to Guanajuato and everyone has a subjective option that they feel the most comfortable with. If we had to recommend, we’d suggest the coach buses since they are affordable and quite spacious too. You can look for transport options from Guadalajara to Guanajuato here.

What is the best price to travel from Guadalajara to Guanajuato?

If your one-way budget is under $60, coach buses are your best option. They are available at regular intervals and cost $55 per person. You can look for prices from Guadalajara to Guanajuato here.

What to do in Guanajuato?

Besides exploring the popular spots we have mentioned, we’d recommend you explore the colorful lanes and try a relaxing day where you interact with the locals, try some local delicacies, and check out the nightlife too.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Puebla to Cholula

Are you currently in Puebla, wanting to explore a nearby town? If yes, Cholula is located just shy of 15 kilometers away and is the perfect getaway that you can plan for yourself.

The journey from Puebla to Cholula is a perfect day trip, you can leave on the same day and return to Puebla by the night. Planning this trip doesn’t have to be as complicated, so we have got you through that.

This article will dive into the journey from Puebla to Cholula and how you can travel via different modes of transportation.

3 Ways to get from Puebla to Cholula

We just mentioned that the distance is less than 15 km, which means that reaching Cholula shouldn’t take you more than one hour.

Private transfer from Puebla to Cholula

When it comes to your trip from Puebla to Cholula, you must keep in mind that no direct buses are plying between these two spots. This means that your next best and most affordable choice is to opt for a private shuttle.

Rideshare companies are very common in Puebla, which allows you to have more options and choices. What you can do is go ahead and ask around for private transfers and see which operator gives you the best price.

Is going to be  the most expensive mode of transportation to reach from Puebla to Cholula, however you will have a reliable service with air conditioner, private driver, short and you can schedule the trip at the time you want, also if you are traveling in group, this maybe the best option because the price can be split between travelers

Fare – Private transfers will range between $40-$150, depending on the number of people, the kind of car you are getting, the additional services, etc.

Check out the schedule and book your private transfer tickets from Puebla to Cholula here!

Private transfer

Car rental from Puebla to Cholula

If you are planning to have full control over the trip, we’d 100% recommend choosing a rental car. This provides you the flexibility to drive yourself around and get things done at your convenience.

The best part of the process is that you can use the rental to not only get yourself to Cholula but also get yourself back to your hotel in Puebla.

Fare – Since you are renting the car and there are a lot of security factors in check, the prices are significantly high. Renting a car for an entire day might cost you upwards of $500 or more. We’d advise you to ask around and see which rentals will be an ideal pick for you.

Getting to Puerto Vallarta Airport from Sayulita

Walking from Puebla to Cholula

This might come off as a surprise but some people do prefer walking from Puebla to Cholula. It is a 12-13 km walk and you get to stop in between, explore the local cuisine, talk to the locals, and explore some hidden gems along the way.

However, keep in mind that walking isn’t ideal for everyone and is a subjective experience. If you are comfortable walking and you are physically well, this could be a good choice.

Since you are making the trip on your foot, be assured that it’s not going to cost you anything.

How far is Puebla from Cholula?

The distance from Puebla to Cholula is roughly around 13 km. At the end of the day, the distance depends on the route you are taking. If you are taking a long route, the distance might be around 20 km too, so research the shorter distance trips.

Best things to do in Cholula

Reaching Cholula brings you a plethora of options that you can sightsee and explore. If you are planning to make that trip and you are planning to make a day trip out of it, there are several activities you can explore.

  • Explore the Great Pyramid of Cholula

This is one of those staple sightseeing experiences that every tourist indulges in. Also known as the Pirámide de Tepanapa, these pyramids offer a fascinating glimpse into Mesoamerican history. While you are there, make sure you climb to the top of the pyramid for breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

  • Visit San Gabriel Convent

Not every place in Cholula has to be a boring walk through and the San Gabriel Convent is one of them. This is a colonial-era convent, which depicts some of the rich architectural heritage that the place has to offer. The preserved interior and tranquil courtyards are a beauty to behold.

  • Wander Around Cholula’s Zocalo

The best way to soak in the beauty of a new place is by exploring the city’s main square and Zocalo is that in Cholula. This vibrant hub consists of art galleries, quaint shops, and local restaurants that you can grab a bite or two in. While you are there, don’t miss out on trying the mole poblano dish at one of the local restaurants.

  • Visit the Regional Ceramic Museum

Mexican ceramics are best displayed in this regional museum and the artistry of this place is beyond anyone’s comprehension. You’ll discover a stunning collection of pottery and learn about the rich cultural significance of these works.

Getting to Cholula from Puebla

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Puebla to Cholula is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Although the distance from Puebla to Cholula isn’t a lot, the experience is fun, and quite comprehensive. The journey makes for a perfect option for a day trip that you can embark on and return within the same day.


What is the best way to get from Puebla to Cholula?

The best way to get from Puebla to Cholula largely depends on your preferences. The most economical would be a private transfers. You can look for shuttle and coach options from Puebla to Cholula here.

What is the best price to get from Puebla to Cholula?

If you are wondering how much it would cost you to get from Puebla to Cholula, it depends on the mode of transportation and the kind of car you are renting or sharing. You can look for prices from Puebla to Cholula here.

What to do in Cholula?

Cholula offers a plethora of sightseeing options that you can check out. Besides that, we’d 100% recommend you try the local delicacies while you are there.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende

When talking about the most vibrant and culturally rich metropolis cities, Mexico takes the cake. On the flip side, San Miguel de Allende stands through the test of time and is one of those enchanting colonial towns that you have to include in your itinerary.

If you are done exploring the hustle and bustle of Mexico City and are planning to shift your travel expedition to somewhere lowkey, a trip to San Miguel de Allende sounds fascinating. The almost 300 km distance between these two spots makes for an amazing journey that you can’t trade in for any other experience.

This article will take a look into the journey from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende and the different modes of transportation you can consider.

San Miguel de Allende Town

3 ways to get from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende

Since both Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende are popular tourist spots, it isn’t surprising that there are numerous modes of transportation that you can opt for your journey.

Following are some of our best picks.

Coach bus from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende

Buses are probably the cheapest mode of transportation from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende. Since the distance between these two cities is significantly large, you might want to cut down your expenses and settle on luxury coach buses that ply throughout the day.

Typically, the bus journey takes somewhere between 4-5 hours or could be more depending on the road conditions and the traffic. As for the best one in the lot, ETN is a reliable coach bus service provider. Multiple buses are available in successive frequencies throughout the day, starting at 09:30 AM from Mexico City.

Fare: The bus fare for one person to San Miguel de Allende is $115, which might seem steep but it is an affordable choice than other options.

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende here!

Coach bus

Shuttle from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende

Buses are great and affordable but they don’t always provide the comfort and luxury that many people seek while on a vacation. If you are on a similar boat and want to be picked up and dropped off from and to your destination, Shuttle services are great.

But, you have to pay for the comfort with the elevated prices. There are Uber services and then you have private companies that operate around Mexico City. Either of them gets the job done but we’d suggest you enquire about the prices from multiple shuttle service operators to get the best price.

Fare: The price of private shuttle services is quite high and can be around $220-$250 one-way. 

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Car rental from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende

Want to drive down from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende yourself? Well, this is where rental car services come into play. This is another popular option but an expensive one nonetheless. 

However, opting for rental cars comes with additional perks besides comfort and luxury. The most important one is the flexibility. You get to choose the timing, and pace of the journey and explore the route to San Miguel de Allende by stopping at local spots, soaking in the natural beauty, etc.

Fare: This one is variable. Rental cars will be more expensive than shuttles and you will have to pay an additional security amount too but the actual cost of the rental will vary.

Private transfer

How far is Mexico City from San Miguel de Allende?

The distance from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende is roughly around 280 km via the Carr, Querétaro – México/México 57D route. If you are flying to one of the nearest airports around San Miguel de Allende, the distance would be less.

Things to do in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende Church

So, once you reach the colonial town of San Miguel de Allende, what next? How do you plan your day? What should your itinerary look like?

Well, this quaint town has a lot to offer, especially when it comes to tourist sites and destinations. Following are a few places to visit and things to do while you are in the city.

  • Parish of San Miguel Arcangel

If you are in San Miguel, it goes without saying that you need to visit the Parish of San Miguel Arcangel. It is perched on top of the city and the magnificent architecture of this place is immaculate.

As you step inside the church, the calm and serenity that surrounds you with immediately is an experience like no other.

  • El Jardin

What is a visit to a city if you don’t explore the city center? El Jardin is the heart of the city and exposes you to everything significant to San Miguel de Allende. 

From historical buildings to art galleries, quaint cafes to street side stalls, there’s a lot that you can uncover in this place. 

  • Museo Historico de San Miguel de Allende

If you are a fan of historical buildings and cool colonial architecture, Museo Historico de San Miguel de Allende is also a must-visit.

The building is the birthplace of Ignacio Jose de Allende y Unzaga, a Spanish army officer. He was known for his contribution to the war for Mexican independence.

Getting to Guanajuato from Mexico City

San Miguel de Allende

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


The journey to San Miguel de Allende is one of a kind. From the gorgeous views to the pit stops that you can take along the way, the journey is going to be one that you cherish for a lifetime. We hope the tips here help you plan things better.


What is the best way to go from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende?

The best way is your way. If you want budget-friendly, buses is the best way, if you want comfort, shuttle are the best way. You can look for shuttle and coach options from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende here.

What is the best price to travel from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende?

If the definition of the best price is affordability, we’d recommend public buses since they are the cheapest. You can look for prices from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende here.

What to do in San Miguel de Allende?

When planning your itinerary, ensure that you include all the historical spots, art galleries, and local food spots in San Miguel de Allende.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Mexico City to Guanajuato

Mexico City is one of those places that don’t require any introduction. It’s vibrant, filled with warm and humble people, and not to mention that the food is delectable. If your Mexico City exploration is done and you are planning a big trip to Guanajuato, you have come to the right place.

The almost 350 km distance between these two cities makes for a fun yet exciting journey that you can embark on with proper planning. Since these two spots are fairly far apart, knowing about the best modes of transportation is crucial for a comfortable and safe journey.

This article will explore everything you need to know about traveling from Mexico City to Guanajuato.


Best ways to get from Mexico City to Guanajuato

Traveling from Mexico City to Guanajuato by road takes around 4-6 hours while flying takes around an hour or so. This means that the mode of transportation that you choose will depend on the kind of urgency and comfort you are looking for.

Following are some of the different transportation modes you can consider:

Coach Bus from Mexico City to Guanajuato

Premium luxury coach buses are one of the most common modes of transportation from Mexico City to Guanajuato. Not only is the option safe, but it is also a cost-effective option if you don’t want to splurge a lot of money.

Several bus companies ply in this route but Primera Plus is probably one of the most coveted options in the lot. Since the distance is quite a lot, the coach buses take around 6 hours with one pit stop in between. The first bus leaves at 07:00 AM from Mexico City and the last one leaves at 11:50 PM.

Fare: The bus fare is around $58 to $64 per person for a one-way ride, which a pretty fair price point is given the kind of distance you are traveling.

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Mexico City to Guanajuato here!

Coach bus

Car rental from Mexico City to Guanajuato

Driving is probably one of the most exciting ways to explore Mexico City and then Guanajuato. Since the journey exposes you to a variety of amazing towns along the way, driving gives you the freedom to stop and explore these towns too.

If you are renting a car, some of the stops we’d recommend you stop at are Queretaro City, Tequisquiapan, San Miguel de Allende, etc. These are some amazing tourist spots and have a lot to offer. That said, rental cars don’t come for cheap, so price is a factor you have to keep in mind.

Fare: There is no standard or flat fare for the rental cars. They vary from one operator to the other. Also, you’d have to consider consulting with multiple operators, discussing the security deposit, the duration you will have the car for, etc. to finalize the price.

Private transfer

Flights from Mexico City to Guanajuato

If budget isn’t a constraint for you and you want to prioritize comfort and quick access to Guanajuato from Mexico City, flights are your next best choice. The closest airport is the Guanajuato International Airport (BJX), which is located in Silao.

Before you get confused, Silao is only a 30-minute drive from the main city of Guanajuato, which means that you can drive comfortably and reach your destination without any hassle. There are several shuttle services available at the airport, which is a bonus.

Fare: Flight fares are variable and depend on availability, demand, and the season. On average, you can expect the flight fares to start from $80 or so.

How far is Mexico City from Guanajuato?

The distance from Mexico City to Guanajuato is around 360 km, which explains why the road-based journey takes around 4-6 hours with stops. The flight journey is a lot less and should be over before an hour, so that’s great.

Best things to do in Guanajuato

Guanajuato cathedral

Did you know that Guanajuato is a UNESCO-listed city? This goes to show that the place has a lot more to offer than you can think of.

If you are staying in the city for a few days, having a concrete itinerary planned out can help you figure out your journey a bit better. Some of the top things to do are:

  • Explore the colorful lanes

Besides the culture and heritage of this city, the vibrancy is what takes the cake. If you are someone who’s often fascinated by colorful walls and lanes, Guanajuato has a lot to offer. The plazas and squares are worth taking a walk down on.

  • Discover the Mummy Museum

A visit to the Museo de las Momias (Mummy Museum) is an eerie but fascinating experience. It houses naturally mummified bodies and provides insight into Guanajuato’s unique burial traditions. The kind of experience you have and the rich history that you get to unfold there is quite amazing.

  • Attend the International Cervantino Festival

Now, this might not be possible for every tourist but if you are traveling during October and your dates coincide with the International Cervantino festival, make sure you visit it and enjoy all the cultural events there.

Getting to Guanajuato from Mexico City

Guanajuato town

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Mexico City to Guanajuato is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Traveling from Mexico City to Guanajuato is an experience of a lifetime that everyone should embark on at least once in their lives. If you have been looking for the best modes of transportation, we hope this article gives you all the detailed insights that you are most likely on the lookout for. 


What is the best way to travel from Mexico City to Guanajuato?

Since flights are often cheaper than buses, we’d recommend taking a flight to BJX and then a shuttle to the main city. This is the most comfortable option too. 

What is the best price to travel from Mexico City to Guanajuato?

If affordability is your priority, premium luxury coach buses like Primera Plus offer the best prices for your journey. You can look for prices from Mexico City to Guanajuato here.

What to do in Guanajuato?

Once you are in Guanajuato, there is an abundance of activities that await you. From enjoying a show at the theatre to going on a food tour, the possibilities are endless.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from Mexico City to Taxco

If you are exploring Latin America, Mexico City is a place that doesn’t require any introduction. However, Taxco is one of those spots that not many people are aware of. It’s hidden away and is relatively a lot more underrated than you think.

Besides the eclectic beauty of the place, Taxco is also known for its silver craftsmanship, so if you are planning to surprise someone with good-quality silver items, this is the place that you need to explore. 

The mesmerizing tour from Mexico City to Taxco is unlike anything else and it spans over 2-3 hours, making this a worthy trip.

Best ways to get from Mexico City to Taxco

The distance is around 180 km, which means that you have to travel for 3+ hours if you are on the road. Flight options are also available, especially if you are planning a quicker trip.

Coach bus from Mexico City to Taxco

Affordable and economical options deserve to be on the top of the list, especially for travelers who are exploring the cities on a budget. If that resonates with you, different luxury coach buses ply from Mexico City to Taxco for a comfortable ride.

ADO is one of the best options and they have widespread connectivity, which makes the whole experience secure and you don’t have to worry about paying a lot of money in the process. The first bus from Mexico City leaves at 08:05 AM and the last one at 19:05 PM.

Fare: The bus fare to Taxco is $24, which is a pretty great price for the kind of distance you are travelling.

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from Mexico City to Taxco here!

Coach bus

Shuttle from Mexico City to Taxco

If you want comfort on a budget, ridesharing or shuttle services are your next best option. What’s great about shuttle services is the comfort that you get because they will pick you up from your hotel in Mexico City and drop you off at your hotel in Taxco.

The prices are great and a lot cheaper than rental cars since you will likely be sharing the ride with other passengers. Ensure that you are consulting reliable service providers and opt for morning rides for safety.

Fare: The fare for shuttle services varies but on average, you can expect them to start from $70-$80.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Car rental from Mexico City to Taxco

Driving through Mexico City to reach Taxco brings you a plethora of unique experiences that you can’t find elsewhere. This is one of the reasons why we’d recommend you opt for trusted rental services.

The best part of a rental car is the freedom and flexibility. You can choose when to leave, where to stop, how to move around the place, etc.

Fare: Rental car services are pretty expensive and something we won’t recommend for everyone. However, if budget isn’t a constraint for you, this is a great choice.

Private transfer

Flights from Mexico City to Taxco

The last option is to fly to Taxco, which is convenient, accessible, and quite economical. There are frequent flights to Taxco, which means that the fares won’t be unnecessarily steep.

However, if you are traveling during the peak season, we recommend that you plan and book your flight ahead of time.

Fare: Flight fares generally start from $60, which is a lot more economical and convenient than driving yourself around.

How far is Mexico City from Taxco?

The distance from Mexico City to Taxco is roughly around 180 km via México 95D. This is the road-based distance, so if you are flying, you can be assured that the distance and time for the journey would be significantly less.

Best things to do in Taxco

Taxco has a lot to offer you in terms of sightseeing spots and tourist attractions. If you are planning to explore this spot and have been wondering about some spots to explore and things to do, the following are a few we’d recommend.

  • Shop for silver

Since Taxco is known for its silver craftsmanship, you can’t visit this city and not buy some silver there. There are a variety of amazing shops, quaint and big, that you can visit. The intricacies in the design and affordability are quite impressive.

  • Visit El Cristo Panoramico

Viewpoints are a great way to soak in the beauty of a place and if you are in Taxco, a trip to El Cristo Panoramico is an absolute must. The breathtaking view that you get from up there is beyond your imagination, especially if you visit during the day with a clear sky.

  • Eat at a local restaurant

Local restaurants offer you a variety of delicacies that you can’t miss out on. While in Taxco, book a table at the Rosa Mexicano Restaurant to try out some local delicacies like mole, tamales, etc.

Getting to Mexico City from Taxco

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from Mexico City to Taxco is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


If you are planning your trip to Taxco, there are various modes of transportation available. What’s great is that the distance is quite great for a day trip if you don’t want to stay in Taxco for a few days. Furthermore, the journey to Taxco is one of a kind, so if you want to explore the scenic beauty, plan your trip accordingly.


What is the best way to travel from Mexico City to Taxco?

The distance from Mexico City to Taxco isn’t a lot but if you want comfort and affordability, taking a flight or a coach bus is the best way. You can look for shuttle and coach options from Mexico City to Taxco here.

What is the best price to travel to Taxco?

The best price to travel from Mexico City to Taxco depends on the mode of transportation you are opting for. Public buses cost around $24 while flights cost around $60 to $70.  You can look for prices from Mexico City to Taxco here.

What to do in Taxco?

There’s a lot that you can explore while you are in Taxco. However, the most important is to explore the silver craftsmanship in the place and take a look at the quaint alleyways, galleries, and cafes.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from San Miguel de Allende to Queretaro

From Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Travel from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta

How to get from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Your Ultimate Travel Guide

Planning your trip extension from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro? Well, we understand how exciting the whole experience might be. However, planning things ahead of time can be a pain. 

Your journey from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro isn’t that much of a stretch since it’s near about 70 km of journey by road. But, despite the short distance, not having things in hindsight and not having a solid plan can derail the whole thing.

This travel guide will walk you through all the details you need to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro.

3 Ways to get from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Traveling to Querétaro isn’t as complicated, provided you know your way around. As tourists, we understand that things might be overwhelming, and last-minute planning is never good.

So, if you are planning things ahead of time, the following are some of the best travel options to consider:

Coach bus from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Public buses are quite common from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro, which means that if you are looking for an economical mode of transportation, this is it.

Different service operators ply to Querétaro but Futura deserves a special mention. Their services are top-notch and they are known for providing some pretty great deals for the travel experience too.

Cost – A trip from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro in Futura will cost you $11 per person, one-way, which is a pretty affordable price for the 70 km journey.

Check out the schedule and book your bus tickets from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro here!

Coach bus

Shuttle from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

Although not the most economical, your next best option is to get a taxi or a shuttle service to help you reach your destination. This is quite a popular mode of transportation, which is why there isn’t a shortage of service operators in San Miguel de Allende.

What we’d suggest you do is walk down to the city center and enquire about the taxi and shuttle services first. Some of the places have standard rates while some offer flexible rates. Make notes of each of them and plan things accordingly. 

Pro tip – Don’t forget to check the reviews.

Cost – The trip to Querétaro in a private taxi or shuttle will cost around $50 per person, which is a pretty decent price for the service and the comfort.

Shuttle from Sayulita to Puerto Vallarta

Car rental from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro

If you have a rental car with you or even your car or van, you can go ahead and drive down the 70 km yourself. The roads and highways are pretty great, which means that you wouldn’t have to worry about your safety.

The only request is to ensure that you keep your doors locked at all times. Even when you are getting out of the car, prioritize locking everything. Also, if you are driving yourself, don’t forget to make a few pit stops along the way to soak in the scenic beauty along the road.

Cost – Well, this fizzles down to whether you have a rental or your vehicle. Either way, the prices will vary and depend on the specific service in question. If it’s your car, you’d have to worry about the gas only. If it’s a rental, you’d have to pay the rental fees and the gas too.

Private transfer

How far is San Miguel de Allende from Querétaro?

The road distance is roughly around 67 km, which you can round off to 70 km. What’s great about the journey is that the roads are smooth, which ensures comfort. Pair that with the view that you get to soak in during the journey and you won’t be able to forget this small 2-hour ride ever in your life.

Best things to do in Querétaro

Once you have successfully made your journey from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro and reached your destination, what next? What are some famous spots and activities to explore in Querétaro?

To be fair, there is a lot and we have shortlisted some of our favorites.

  • Visit the Temple of Santa Rosa de Viterbo

If you are into art, history, and exploring the heritage and culture of a city you visit, we’d 100% recommend you check out the Temple of Santa Rosa de Viterbo.

Besides the beautiful culture, the burst of art and architecture in this place is mesmerizing to look at. You can also click on some beautiful pictures there.

  • Munch at La Biznaga

The best way to make the most out of your travel experience is to explore the local food. While you are in Querétaro, don’t miss out on eating some good breakfast at La Biznaga.

Besides the great food, the people and the ambiance with the multi-colored surroundings are bound to leave you speechless.

  • Stroll around Plaza de Armas

Nothing beats a good walk around the city center and Plaza de Armas is just that, if not better. There is so much to explore as you stroll down the streets.

From interacting with the locals at the cafes to exploring the quaint art galleries that are hidden away in the back, there’s a lot you can explore there.

Getting to Querétaro from San Miguel de Allende

An easy and reliable way to buy tickets fast and at a good price from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro is gottoGO, you can search all transportation options.  Look for buses, shuttles, private transportation around Mexico with a reliable and easy-to-use platform, you can compare prices and schedules as well as do your search online.


Making your way to Querétaro doesn’t have to be as complicated as you are making it out to be. There are different modes of transportation, each designed with the tourists’ best interests in mind. We have sorted them in this guide for your reference.


What is the best way to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro?

Since the distance between San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro isn’t a lot, we’d recommend opting for Futura public buses for a cheaper travel experience. You can look for shuttle and coach options from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro here.

What is the best price to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro?

The most affordable mode of transportation from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro is a public luxury bus, which costs around $11 per person. You can look for prices from San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro here.

What to do in Querétaro?

Besides the ones mentioned, we’d highly recommend taking a tour of the town in one of the tourist buses for a fun experience.

Wondering about other routes in Mexico?

Travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende

From Guadalajara to Ajijic

Travel from Guadalajara to San Miguel de Allende

Travel from Guadalajara to Tequila

From Mexico City to Guanajuato

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